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  • I have just opened your Returns Portal.
    I cannot choose anything or work it. The item us shown but is "greyed out". It is not responding to any key on my phone.
    Please explain what I must do now to return my parcel.
    Your returns policy is described as "easy". I'm not finding this to be so.
    Kevin Logan
    Item number 320807
    Crib scene.

  • I no longer require you help.. this comment was from last year

  • Ken. Grinham 

    I am not saying I am your best customer, but I am one of many dying for what must be a good one.

    I have yet to find a more dysfunctional return portal by fault or otherwise! One is told it can not handle the complete, contact support services. Send them an Email and they tell you to return it online through the portal.  Try and ring them and the 'phone is not manned so around and around the holly bush one goes.

  • Please i’m trying to create a return but it’s not letting me..My order number is #360927,It was just delivered today.Please how do i go about it?thank you


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